#ArtYardsDC Murals Documentary
August (Short Film)
#ArtYardsDC Murals Documentary
#ArtYardsDC Murals Documentary

The #ArtYardsDC Murals Project is a large scale mural exhibition helmed by Kelly Towles, a DC based street artist. With assistance from Morgan West of Panda Head, they have organized international artists to come and collaborate on an ex-CIA building to bring DC the largest street art exhibition to date. At 6 stories, these murals are the largest that any of these artists have ever worked on and the largest that the city has ever seen. I am in the process of documenting this project. 

Estimated Completion: Early 2014

August (Short Film)
August (Short Film)

Written and Directed by Ian Roche

Cinematography by Luke Hanlein

August is the tale of a woman's exploration through death and what lies after. Set in civil-war era Appalachia, it depicts a young woman living in her own personal purgatory and her struggle to find her path to freedom. 

Estimated Completion: Spring 2014